Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Another amazing discovery was made,statue of Buddha is actually a mummy.

Mummy in 12th century bouddha statue

CT scan reveals that statue of Buddha is actually a mummy Last year the statue was released from China for the first time. It was put on display on Drents Museum in Netherlands. Later it was taken to Meander Medical Center where it received a CT scan and clearly showed a mummified body inside. An endoscopy was performed which revealed that the body was of Buddhist master Liuquan of the Chinese Meditation School. Another amazing discovery was made, within the mummy where there once were organs paper scraps imprinted with ancient Chinese characters were found. Samples of bones were taken for DNA testing and the research will be published in a monograph. The mummy is currently visiting Hungary and will be on display at the Hungarian Natural History Museum until May 2015.

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